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OOP and JavaScript

Do you think you know well JavaScript?
Read the following article from MSDN magazine, sent to me by my friend Antonio Di Motta:
Javascript Issues


VMWare: Virtual Appliances Marketplace

A Virtual Appliance is a pre-installed and configured virtual machine. In short VMware has created a market of virtual machines. Many of those are free.

FCKEditor: web editor

I tried many open source editors for the web. My choice is
FCKEditor. I like its capability to hide the toolbar, it’s multilanguge (i tried arabic version at work and right-to-left, all is ok), it’s multi-browser support and it’is very stable.

Give it a try.
Have a good year.

UBUNTU Linux: my impressions

Today is the linux day in Italy. I downloaded ubuntu distro and I installed it in a vmware workstation. My impressions are positive: i like the live installer cd, you can choose to use it as a live distro or install to your hd to release its full potential.

Replaceregexp: use ANT to modify properties in configuration files (XML, properties, etc.) - Part 1 - XML tag matching

Enterprise web applications have multiple configuration files both XML and properties types. When you deploy your application you may need to change values like URL, IP, login, password, etc. in all of those files. My solution was to build a tool with ANT using “replaceregexp”. But let’s go with an example.

JSTL locale resolver for Spring

This locale resolver reads the locale from JSTL configuration.

Snippets: how to inject a Properties file into a bean using Spring

Here is an example on how inject classes with Spring container.